
Gartner's Tech Forecast: Neuromorphic Computing, Self-Supervised Learning, Metaverse, Human-Centered AI

The technological landscape is on the brink of substantial transformation, spurred by four key advancements—neuromorphic computing, self-supervised learning, the metaverse, and human-centered AI, a new Gartner Report states. These emerging technologies, at the forefront of innovative forces, are poised to drive significant change and present new opportunities, thereby reshaping the future of the technology sector.

1. Neuromorphic Computing

Neuromorphic computing, a cutting-edge field that simulates the operation of a biological brain using digital or analog processing methods, holds the promise of revolutionizing AI system development. Expected to transition from early adopter status to early majority within three to six years, it can simplify product development and facilitate the creation of responsive AI systems that can swiftly react to real-world events and data.

2. Self-Supervised Learning

Self-supervised learning stands out as an innovative automated technique for data annotation and labeling. Its potential to enhance productivity and expected transition to early majority adoption in six to eight years could expand the reach of machine learning to organizations with limited access to extensive datasets. This technology is particularly relevant for applications in computer vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

3. The Metaverse

The metaverse concept, which represents an immersive digital environment blurring the lines between physical and digital realities, is another significant technological development. While its adoption may take eight or more years, the supporting technologies like spatial computing, high-speed networking, and sensing technologies are progressing at a fast pace. The shift towards the metaverse could be as impactful as the transition from analog to digital.

4. Human-Centered AI

Human-centered AI (HCAI), emphasizing the societal benefits of AI, is a crucial development in the field of artificial intelligence. Slated for early majority adoption in three to six years, HCAI promotes a collaborative model between humans and AI. By centering on ethical, responsible, and efficient automation, HCAI offers a human-focused perspective to AI product development.


The impending disruption and transformative potential of these four emerging technologies cannot be understated. Recognizing and understanding these advancements equip industry leaders with the necessary foresight to navigate the rapidly evolving technological landscape, thereby ensuring competitiveness and readiness to capitalize on new market opportunities.


Link: Gartner's Article about 2023 Emerging Technologies

Link: Download of the Full Gartner Report 2023 Emerging Technologies


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